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Capital Investment

We help clients test, develop and optimise investments in real assets. 

We look at solutions to maximise return on capital invested through:

  • A deep understanding of investor profile, required rates of, and timing of return

  • Thorough investigation of actual return capability of real asset investments

  • Project value improvement

  • Development spend management

  • Clear, timely and balanced land acquisition strategies

  • Identification and management of risks

  • Support funding initiatives, both debt and equity, through clear explanation of development parameters

  • Using forward funding, pre-leasing and optioning as flexible investment tools

What we do

  • Business plan 

  • Portfolio Optimisation

  • Acquisition & disposal

  • Due Diligence

  • Strategic & development advisory 

  • Investment & Development appraisal 

  • Deal structuring & negotiation

  • Risk & Value Management

  • Investors engagement

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Government relations

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© Chapman Taylor

​High Wycombe Station Quarter 

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